Radical Futurisms

Ecologies of Collapse, Chronopolitics and Justice-to-Come

T.J. Demos


T. J. Demos poses speculative questions about what comes after end-of-world narratives. He argues that it's as vital to defeat fatalistic nihilism as it is to defeat the false solutions of green capitalism and algorithmic governance. If we are to avoid climate emergency's cooptation by technofixes, and the defuturing of multitudes by xenophobic eco-fascism, Demos argues, we must cultivate visions of just futurity and multispecies flourishing.

ISBN: 9783956795275
Publisher: Sternberg Press

Price: 19,00€




Aesthetics of the Capitalocene

Nicolas Bourriaud


French art critic, theoretician, and curator Nicolas Bourriaud proposes that artists are the anthropologists of our new relational landscape. Bourriaud sees a new generation of artists calling for a molecular anthropology that studies the human effects on the universe and the interaction between humans and nonhumans. Contemporary art reconnects to archaic magic, the witches, sorcerers, and shamans of precapitalist societies. Against the devitalization of the world, art has managed to preserve certain aspects of the social function and spiritualist practices of these societies. Inclusions explores art history as a network of underground galleries, and sutures sundered connections.


ISBN: 9783956795862
Publisher: Sternberg Press

Price: 20,00€



Stuck on the Platform

Reclaiming the Internet

Geert Lovink


We’re all trapped. No matter how hard you try to delete apps from your phone, the power of seduction draws you back. Doom scrolling is the new normal of a 24/7 online life. What happens when your home office starts to feel like a call center and you’re too fried to log out of Facebook? Stuck on the Platform is a relapse-resistant story about the rise of platform alternatives, built on a deep understanding of the digital slump.


ISBN: 978-94-93246-08-9
Publisher: Valiz

Price: 24,99€




Form of Abstraction, Volume 1

Sven Lütticken

Forms of Abstraction engages with abstrac­tion not as a formal option in art, or as an airy theoretical speculation, but as an operational force that has redesigned our world and continues to do so. Contem­porary art is analyzed here as a set of aesthetic practices revolving around prob­lematic and questionable objects that can act as productive objections.


ISBN: 978-3-95679-530-5
Publisher: Sternberg Press

Price: 20,00€