PROGRAM | Jasmina Cibic: The Foundation of Endeavour


Thursday, 3. september 2020, ob  17:00

Guided tour by the artist Jasmina Cibic.


Thursday, 17. september 2020, ob 17:00

Guided tour by curator Adela Železnik.


Thursday, 1. oktober 2020, ob 17:00

Guided tour by exhibition curator Igor Španjol.


Thursday, 15. oktober 2020, ob 17:00

Guided tour by Urška Sterle.


Thursday, 12. november 2020, ob 17:00

Guided tour by Urška Sterle.


Thursday, 26. november 2020, ob 17:00

Guided tour by exhibition curator Igor Španjol.



Sunday, 11 October 2020, at 11 a.m. 

Guided tour by curator Adela Železnik.



The Gift

Workshop for children

Kakšna darila obstajajo? Kakšna je simbolika darovanja? Ali obdarovanja vedno potekajo v pozitivnih, prijetnih okoliščinah? Umetniško delo Darilo Jasmine Cibic je posebej zanimivo, ker povezuje različne vizualne medije in umetniške prakse, Jasmina pa nas kot prava sodobna umetnica tudi postavlja pred dvom ter nas izprašuje in izziva. In kaj bomo počeli na delavnici? Naj bo to (v skladu z naslovom) presenečenje!

What gifts are there? What is the symbolism of giving? Do gifts always take place in positive, pleasant circumstances? The Gift, an artwork by Jasmina Cibic connects different visual media and artistic practices, and Jasmina, as a true contemporary artist, makes us ask unusual questions. And what are we going to do in the workshop? Let this be a surprise!

Workshop mentor: Lucija Cvjetković.

Guided tour and workshop are free of charge. Please apply on

Co-produced by City of Women festival.

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