COMMENTARY | Jošt Franko and Etaf Abdelrahman: Gaza

After three years, we are reintroducing the exhibition series Commentary in the vestibule of the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova +MSUM. In it, artists comment, in a variety of media, formats, and ways of expression, on certain crucial moments and developments in the contemporary political landscape worldwide as they are reflected locally. The current series is dedicated to Palestine.


The first commentary, entitled Gaza, is by Jošt Franko and Etaf Abdelrahman. Their work is part of the collaborative newspaper publication A Memory Without Evidence, which can be purchased in the Bookstores MG+MSUM.


The pain of countless Palestinian families is immeasurable as their children face immense dangers and uncertainties while seeking a safe haven. The world needs to recognize and address this humanitarian crisis with empathy and compassion, ensuring that every person fleeing from conflict and persecution finds the sanctuary they so desperately seek.


In an ideal world, global leaders would take a resolute stance on the cause of Palestine, just as they do in other matters of injustice, such as their opposition to Putin and Russia. The issues of injustice are interconnected, and the pursuit of a fair and equitable world should unite us all. My heartfelt wish is for peace to reign over the Earth, for wars to cease, for immigrants to return to their stolen homelands, and for the entire world to find solace in peace and security. May compassion, empathy, and understanding guide our path towards a better tomorrow.


Etaf Abdelrahman worked as a social worker at a high school in the Gaza Strip. Fleeing scarcity and war, she found refuge in Slovenia, where she currently resides.


Jošt Franko is a photographer and artist whose artistic practice and research is focused on displacement, migrations, worker’s rights and individuals and communities on fringes of society.