U3 | Marko Batista: Fluid Particles of Volcanic Ash

Marko Batista

Fluid Particles of Volcanic Ash

sound sculpture, 2016


The author explores perception through physical properties of electronic sound in relation to the environment in which it is created. The sound sculpture is comprised of modules based on experimental electro-chemical physics. The whole system is forming a hybrid electro-acoustic environment which maps the architecture of sound in space.


Electric impulses travel through a series of chemical fluid substances, volcanic ash material and combine into sound stimuli. The author raises questions about the structure of matter in relation to the molecular stability of universe itself. The sculpture emits a dynamic frequency selection of waves, which change with regard to the oscillation of value between electricity and chemical processes of the present reagents, through which the system is becoming a living organism with the aesthetics of the so-called "space sound".



Artist's home


Marko Batista

The techno-sublime in DIY electronics

Excerpted from: Ida Hiršenfelder, “MicroRobotic Machines”, in: Andreja Hribernik, Ida Hiršenfelder, Jurij Krpan, Luka Zagoričnik, Marko Batista: Temporary Objects and Hybrid Ambients, (Ljubljana: Aksioma - Zavod za sodobno umetnosti  & Slovenj Gradec: Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti, 2014), pp. page 61-65. [PDF]