MG+MSUM | New at the bookstores: After the Internet and Immunodemocracy

New at MG+MSUM bookstores
After the Internet, Digital Networks between Capital and the Common

Tiziana Terranova

The internet is no more. If it still exists, it does so only as a residual technology, still effective in the present but less intelligible as such. After nearly two decades and a couple of financial crises, it has become the almost imperceptible background of today's Corporate Platform Complex (CPC)—a pervasive planetary technological infrastructure that meshes communication with computation.

ISBN: 9781635901689
Publishing house: Semiotext(e)
Price: 24,00 EUR

New at +MSUM bookstore
Immunodemocracy, Capitalist Asphyxia
Donatella Di Cesare

Moving from the ecological question to the rule of experts, from the state of exception to immunitarian democracy, from rule by fear to the contagion of conspiracy theory, from forced distancing to digital control, Donatella Di Cesare examines how existence is already changing—and what its future political effects may be. The author reconstructs the dramatic phases of what she calls "the breathing catastrophe." 

ISBN: 9781635901481
Publishing house: Semiotext(e) 
Cena: 21,00 EUR