
BOOK PRESENTATION | Manca Juvan: Faces of Freedom

Wednesday, 8th May, 2024 | 6 p.m

You are kindly invited to a book presentation and discussion with the authors and other experts in the field. Marjan Hočevar, Anja Zalta, and Oto Luthar will share their perspectives on the extent to which metropolises like Istanbul still embody spaces of freedom.

(The discussion will be in Slovenian.)



GUIDED TOUR | Manca Juvan and Görkem Özdemir

Tuesday, 14th May, 2024 |  6 p.m

You are kindly invited to a guided tour of the exhibition with photographer Manca Juvan and artist-researcher Görkem Özdemir.

(Guided tour will be in Slovenian and English.)



DISCUSSION | Jan Babnik, Manca Filak, Manca Juvan, Izar Lunaček and Martin Pogačar

Tuesday, 21st May, 2024 |  6 p.m

You are kindly invited to a discussion that will focus on the multifaceted role of the visual in research processes. Jan Babnik, Manca Filak, Manca Juvan, Izar Lunaček and Martin Pogačar will contribute to the discussion.

(The discussion will be in English.)



GUIDED TOUR | Manca Juvan

Saturday, 25th May, 2024 | 11 a.m.

You are kindly invited to the last guided tour of the exhibition with photographer Manca Juvan.

(Guided tour will be in Slovenian).