2005-2015 | Zoran Smiljanić: Memories and Dreams of Kristina B.
Comic book cover, felt-tip pen and ink on paper, 2015

Zoran Smiljanić: Memories and Dreams of Kristina B.
Comic book cover, felt-tip pen and ink on paper, 2015


Commissioned by: The Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana (MGML)



Zoran Smiljanić, member of the third generation of Slovenian comics artists, is one of the best long comics stories artist in Slovenia. A wider audience came to know him through his longer stories, often published in the Mladina magazine, where he's shown an excellent grasp of the comics medium at the intersection with the film medium, and his stories are comparable to the biggest movie masterpieces. His comics, caricatures and illustrations were published in many domestic publications, while his epic comics story Meksikajnarji are an indispensable read for every comics-reading household in Slovenia.