GUIDED TOURS | Vuk Ćosić | Nation – Culture
5 January 2023 | guided by the curator Aleš Vaupotič

Vuk Ćosić: Nation – Culture |
New Media Lab, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova +MSUM

You are cordially invited to guided tours at the Nation – Culture

Thursday, 15 December 2022 at 5 p.m. | by the artist Vuk Ćosić
Thursday, 5 January 2023 at 5 p.m. | by the curator Aleš Vaupotič

New media has found its way into art a long time ago. 

Social media, the digitalisation of everyday communication and administrative procedures belong amongst the more important political and cultural challenges in today’s world. However, digitalisation also brings with it the question as to how to preserve the original digital creativity in the field of culture for the future generations. The processes of restoration, preservation and ensuring the on-going operation of such works differs to a great extent from the processes that have been known to us from the pre-digital art forms.

Within the New Media Lab, the Modern Gallery addresses these issues through its central scientific research project Sustainable Digital Preservation of New Media Art. Taking care of the digital cultural heritage is one of the fundamental public services provided by the Modern Gallery in its role of a state museum for visual and contemporary art from the year 1900 onwards.

Čosič’s work Nation– Culture presents one of the possible approaches to the preservation and modernisation of new media artworks. Even though the current work is technically distinctly different from the original (2000), the work retains a rich cross-contextual network of meanings, and above all, its central idea – the detection of the cultural pulse as shown by the nation through its use of online technologies, in real time.