GUIDED TOUR | | Precarious Environments. 17 cases of contemporary photography in Slovenia
28 February 2019 | 18:00

You are kindly invited to a guided tour by the  Precarious Environments. 17 cases of contemporary photography in Slovenia exhibition curator Ana Mizerit.


For this presentation of contemporary photography in Slovenia, an exhibition room amidst the display of works from the Arteast 2000+ collection has been chosen. The Arteast 2000+ collection features Eastern European art from the 1960s to the present, covering different periods and different conditions under which our subjectivities came to be formed. In this context, the 17 cases of contemporary photography implicitly lead us to reflect on our social environment, on the ways it has shaped us with the different conditions of life and work under the different systems of the past six decades, from socialism through the period of socio-economic transition to the now all-powerful capitalism, which today bends the entire world to suit its interests and profits, while denying any accountability for the consequences.

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