Ilija Šoškić: Sewn-up Ficus, action/installation, 1974 (1989, 2017)

Photo: Ilija Šoškić, Sewn–up Ficus, action/installation, 1974 (1989, 2017), courtesy of the artist


Ilija Šoškić: Sewn-up Ficus

action/installation, 1974 (1989, 2017)


In the critical elaboration of his work, artist-nomad Ilija Šoškić brings together elements of cultural and political myths, the drama of nature and metaphysical fictions in order to highlight the philosophical themes of the Other, Absence, and Nothing.


“I brought a plant, Ficus retus, into an empty exhibition room, placed it in a corner and then rolled up each of its leaves, stitching it together with a stitching awl and wool yarn. When I was done, I left the plant there, exhibited like a statue. An artwork – with a note: violation of nature and criminality of human actions.”

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