MEDNARODNA KONFERENCA | Vojna, revolucija in spomin


Vojna, revolucija in spomin: povojni spomeniki v pokomunistični Evropi

Mednarodna konferenca

Zagreb, 17. in 18. februar 2017

Muzej Mimara, Trg Franklina Roosevelta 5, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvaška


Konferenca bo potekala v štirih sklopih:

1) VARSTVO SPOMENIKOV IN TRANZICIJA: varstvo spomenikov drugi svetovni vojni v nekdanjem vzhodnem bloku in Jugoslaviji ter vpliv novejše politične zgodovine na sprejemanje spomenikov (postopki revalvacije, zgodovinski revizionizem in percepcija, spomeniška in estetska evalvacija)


2) VARSTVENA PRAKSA IN SPREMEMBE ZAKONSKEGA IN INSTITUCIONALNEGA OKVIRA: spremembe zakonodaje in njihov vpliv na vprašanja pristojnosti in upravljanja, lastništva itn. (vloga upravljanja v postopki ponovnega odkrivanja, raziskovanja in konservatorstva)


3) PRIMERI UPRAVLJANJA: modeli upravljanja s spomeniki in spomeniškimi kompleksi, dobre in slabe prakse, socialistična dediščina in turizem


4) KONZERVATORSTVO: problemi vzdrževanja, interpretacije in reprezentacije spomenikov druge svetovne vojne, uporaba tradicionalnih tehnologij v spremenjenem vrednostnem sistemu.


Daljši vsebinski opis konference in seznam predavanj v angleščini najdete tu. Uradni jezik konference je angleščina.


Konferenco prireja nevladna organizacija NGO SF:ius – Social Fringe: interesting untold stories v sodelovanju z ICOMOS Hrvaška kot del mednarodnega projekta INAPPROPRIATE MONUMENTS (NEPRIMERNI SPOMENIKI).


Partnerji: SF:ius – Socijalni rub: zanimljive neispričane priče (Zagreb), Grupa arhitekata (Belgrade), Moderna galerija MG+MSUM (Ljubljana), Historijski muzej BiH (Sarajevo)


Icomos icomos dva kao loga




Balkan Arts and Culture Fund – BAC COLABs

Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Hrvaške

 Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije


Zaklada Kultura Nova

Ministrstvo za kulturo in information Republike Srbije




Friday, 17 February 2017
9:30-10:15 Bogusław Szmygin: Former Nazi Concentration Camps as Heritage – Problems and Challenges
10:15-10:45 Viktoriya Sukovata: The Memory About World War II in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Ukraine and the Holocaust Monuments in Kharkiv
10:45-11:15 Hannah Wilson: The Re-Conceptualisation of Sobibor Memorial Site
11:15-12:00 DISCUSSION

12:20-12:50 Mischa Gabowitsch: Soviet and Post-Soviet War Memorials: Complexity and Continuity
12:50-13:20 Petra Švardová: Commemoration and Representation of World War II at Soviet War Memorials

13:30-14:00 Oleksandra Gaidai: Building Fences or Bridges: War Memorial Sites in Contemporary Ukraine
14:00-14:30 Ekaterina Bobrova: The Analysis of Commemoration of Soviet Forced Workers and War Prisoners Who Died in German Captivity During the Second World War
14:30-14:50 DISCUSSION

16:20-16:50 Ina Belcheva: Problematic Memory of the Second World War: Three War Memorials in Sofia from the 1950s
16:50-17:20 Agata Rogoś: The (Un)Wanted Heritage in the Rural Landscapes of Albania

17:30-18:00 Oto Luthar: Memorial Landscape and Slovenian Post-Truth Historiography
18:00-18:30 Lejla Gačanica: The Partisan Necropolis: Mostar’s Symbol of Broken Memories
18:30-19:00 DISCUSSION

Saturday, 18 February 2017
9:15-9:45 Nenad Lajbenšperger: Putting Under the State Protection the Sites and Objects Related to the National Liberation War and the Revolution in Serbia (1947–2017)
9:45-10:15 Andrew Lawler: Taking Stock: the Situation of Monuments Commemorating the People’s Liberation War, Struggle and Movement on the Territory of the Former SR Bosnia & Herzegovina

10:25-10:55 Laura Demeter: Monuments Preservation a Matter of State Security and Regime Change in Post 1989 Romania
10:55-11:25 Darija Perković, Željka Perković: Are There Any Inappropriate Monuments in the Brod-Posavina County?
11:25-12:00 DISCUSSION

12:20-12:50 Helena Stublić: The Question of Difficult Heritage – and What to Do with It?
12:50-13:20 Sandra Križić Roban: Counter-Monument to a Monument

13:30-14:00 Linnea West: Memento Park and Skopje 2014: Transition, Monuments, and Memory
14:00-14:30 Tomislav Oroz, Nevena Škrbić Alempijević: From Representation of History to the Living Monument: Memorializing Peasant Revolt and Matija Gubec in Gornja Stubica
14:30-14:50 DISCUSSION

16:20-16:50 Edita Mušić, Carola S. Neugebauer: (Local) Perspectives on War Memorials in Serbia – the Case of Kadinjača
16:50-17:20 Sanja Lončar, Alma Trauber: War Heritage and War Tourism as Development Potential in Post-Conflict Regions. Realities and Obstacles in the Sisak-Moslavina County, Croatia

17:30-18:00 Sanja Horvatinčić: What Is to Be Done? WWII Monuments in Croatia Between the Official Disinheritance and the Heritage-from-Below Strategies
18:00-18:30 Milivoj Dretar: Reconstruction of Memorial Hospital Gabrinovec
18:30-19:00 DISCUSSION

The conference is organised by NGO SF:ius – Social Fringe: interesting untold stories in cooperation with ICOMOS Croatia. 
There is no entrance fee.

The conference is funded by the Allianz Cultural Foundation, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and Balkan Arts and Culture Fund – BAC. BAC is supported by the Swiss Government through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the European Cultural Foundation (ECF)
