The Moderna galerija plus Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova are currently opened, and you may also order publications by post. Please send your request to and specify the publication. You may pay on delivery or on our bank account. Some recommendations:



The Wretched of the Screen

Hito Steyerl

Publisher: MIT Press

Price: 14,00€


On the Brink of Paradox

Highlights from the Intersection of Philosophy and Mathematics

Agustin Rayo

Publisher: MIT Press

Price: 46,00€


The Software Arts

Warren Sack

Publisher: MIT Press

Price: 38,00€



Situating Global Art

S. Dornhof, N. Buurman, B. Hopfener, B. Lutz (eds.)

Publisher: Transcript Publishing

Price: 44,00€


The Transhistorical Museum

Mapping the Field

E. Wittocx, A. Demeester, P. Carpreau, M. Buhler, X. Karskens (eds.)

Publisher: Valiz

Cena: 25,00€


The Culture of Curating and the Curating of Culture(s)

Paul O'Neill

Publisher: MIT Press

Price: 18,99€


Art and Democracy in post-communist Europe

Piotr Piotrowski

Publisher: Reaktion Books

Price: 39,99 €


Empty Action: Labour and Free Time in the Art of Collective Actions

Marina Gerber

Publisher: Transcript Publishing

Cena: 46,00 €


Forms of Education: Couldn't get a sense of it

Editors: Aeron Bergman, Alejandra Salinas, Irena Borić

Writers: Gregory Sholette, Eunsong Kim, Pablo Helguera, Duba Sambolec, MFA no MFA, Shelly Asquith, Roee Rosen, Aurora Harris, Ted Heibert, Mohamed Ali Fadlabi, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Marjetica Potrč, Escuela de Garaje, Vancouver Institute for Social Research, Judy Chicago, Bisan Hussam Abu-Eisheh, Diego Bruno, Clare Butcher, Chus Martinez, Sezgin Boynik, Audun Mortensen, Aeron Bergman & Alejandra Salinas, Irena Borić, Sondra Perry & Nicole Maloof, Robert Paul Wolff, Chris Kraus, Martha Rosler,Tadej Pogačar and Walid Raad.

Publisher: INCA Press

Price: 25,00 €



Jasmina Cibic

Zajema večletni projekt umetnice Jasmine Cibic, ki se referira na istoimenski esej enega prvih evropskih piscev politične satire Karla Krausa iz leta 1912.

Price: 39,99 €.


Supercommunity: Diabolical Togetherness Beyond Contemporary Art

Revija E-flux je bila povabljena na 56. beneški bienale in je v okviru razstave izdala št. z naslovom Supercommunity v kateri so združeni eseji, pesmi, kratke zgodbe; kjer umetniki in teoretiki analizirjo negativnost kolektivnega v relaciji do umetnosti, interneta in globalizacije v sodobnem življenju. Umetniki, teoretiki in pisatelji razkrivajo distopično in utopično prihodnost znotraj sedanjosti.

Price: 25€


The Contemporary Condition

Geoff Cox & Jacob Lund

Publisher: Sternberg Press

Price: 9,99€


The Destruction of Art

Dario Gamboni

Price: 18,00 €


Contemporary Gothic 

Catherine Spooner

Price: 17,00 €