08 November 2018 | 13:00

First Conference of The Theatre of the Oppressed

8 November 2018, 10 a.m.—7 p.m.

Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, +MSUM


The first Conference of The Theatre of the Oppressed is taking place on November 8, 2018 in Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana. On this occasion, a booklet is being published. The booklet contains nine articles, which are going to be presented on the Conference by their authors.


Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) is in continuing growth in Slovenia since 2010. The key features of the Theatre of the Oppressed are theatrical-activist, pedagogic and educational methods, striving for social equality.  The beginner of Theatre of the Oppressed was Augusto Boal, director, politician and writer, who started the method in 1960’s in Brazil. Later on, the techniques of the method spread to almost a hundred other countries all over the world. Main techniques of the Theatre of the Oppressed are: Newspaper theatre, Image theatre, Forum theatre, Invisible theatre, Legislative theatre, Rainbow of Desire. TO gives space to topics which are not talked about enough and encourage those with no voice to talk about their issues. Due to this the (non-)performances of TO can have therapeutic effects on individuals as well.


Participants of the Conference are all who are interested in creating theatre plays, theatre workshops and trainings, with the help of the method of Theatre of the Oppressed. Youth workers, workers with deprivileged, and employees of kindergartens, schools and other schooling facilities are also invited.



Conference contents

Kaja Jurgele: Theatre of the Oppressed of Augusto Boal in Slovenia – a short overview of begginings and development of Theatre of the Oppressed in Slovenia

Ema Weixler: Theatre of the Oppressed: Forum for Social Change – presentation of the short movie about homophobia, created under the Erasmus+ project

Katja Sešek: Theatre of the Oppressed and LGBTQ+ community

Jana Burger: Ma(g)dalena Network – Theatre of the Oppressed for women

Petra Koritnik: Cinderella Can, Too! – Theatre of the Oppressed in kindergartens

Nina Mlakar: Theatre of the Oppressed as a Method of Raising Awareness about Violence in Highschools – Theatre of the Oppressed in high schools

Jaka Andrej Vojevec: LegiLab: Experiments and Experiences in Legislative Theatre – presentation of a short movie and the project

Lea Dolinar: Vse ali nič - Status Quo on the Labour Market – Legislative theatre in Slovenia in praxis
Michael Wrentschur: "Transform Desire into Law" - Legislative Theatre Projects of InterACT in Austria - Examples and reflections in Austria


Presentations will commence at 10.00, with 20 minutes per each speaker/presentation. There is a coffee break from 12.00 till 12.30, when the second part of the presentations will commence.


More about the Conference.


Organizer: KUD Transformator

Conference is supported by MOL - Urad za mladino, JSKD, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, Pekarna Magdalenske mreže Maribor.